Course Intro

Tom Chant
InstructorTom Chant
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Published a year ago
Updated a year ago

Get ready to dive into the exciting world of building AI apps with ChatGPT, DALI, and the latest GPT-4 model!

In this course, you'll explore the power of the OpenAI API and learn various techniques, including prompt engineering, building chatbots, and fine-tuning models on your own data. The course introduces the GPT-4 API and guides you through creating impressive projects.

First, you'll use OpenAI's creative abilities to develop a movie pitch app that turns one-sentence ideas into full movie outlines. Then, with the GPT-4 model, you'll create "KnowItAll," an ask-me-anything chatbot. You'll also learn to persist chat conversations using a Google Firebase database.

Lastly, you'll venture into the world of fine-tuning, creating a chatbot that can answer specific questions using your own dataset. Along the way, you'll gain valuable skills, like deploying sites with Netlify and protecting API keys. No extensive prerequisites are required, as the course focuses on working with vanilla JavaScript and offers step-by-step explanations, making it accessible for learners at various levels of experience.

[00:00] Welcome to building AI apps with ChatGPT, DALI and GPT-4. I am super excited to bring you this course on the technology everybody is talking about. We are going to study how to use the OpenAI API.

[00:16] We'll be using various OpenAI models, including the latest GPT-4 model. We'll be looking at prompt engineering. We'll be building chatbots and we'll be fine-tuning a model on our own data. And along the way, of course, there will be lots more and plenty of challenges.

[00:35] Now, I need to say a quick word about GPT-4. We'll be using the GPT-4 API in the second project in this course. Now, at present, there is a waiting list to get your hands on the API. No doubt in the near future, the waitlist will go and the API will be available to everybody.

[00:53] But for now, while the waitlist exists, why not click on this screenshot, which will take you through to the sign-up page. And you can join the waiting list there if it still exists. OK, so what are we going to build? We'll start off by exploiting the power of OpenAI to be creative

[01:10] and generate human-standard words and images to build this cool movie pitch app, which turns a one-sentence idea into a full movie outline. Then we'll use the GPT-4 model to create an ask-me-anything chatbot called KnowItAll.

[01:27] And we'll use a Google Firebase database so the user can persist the conversation they have with the chatbot and pick it up at a later date after refreshing the browser. Lastly, we're going to stay with the chatbot concept, but under the hood, everything will be different. We will enter the world of fine-tuning.

[01:46] This is where we upload our own dataset and we create a chatbot that can answer specific questions from our own data. This skill is really essential if you want to use a chatbot for a specific purpose, such as to handle customer service issues with your company.

[02:02] And with this project, we'll also learn a really neat skill for whenever you're working with APIs with secret keys. We'll look at deploying the site with Netlify with the API key hidden so you can share your project without fear of the API key being compromised. This solves the really big problem that we have

[02:21] when we're using APIs with secret keys in front-end projects. Now, there are not too many prerequisites for this course. We're going to be working in vanilla JavaScript, and I'll assume you have a reasonable knowledge of it. Now, the JavaScript in this isn't very complicated for the most part. As long as you understand the basics of a fetch request, you'll be absolutely fine.

[02:42] And if you're rusty on fetch requests, don't worry at all. We'll actually go through it all step by step, and I don't think you'll have a problem. Apart from that, we'll be focusing fully on the AI and working through it stage by stage. Who am I? My name is Tom Chant, and I'll be your tutor for this course. You can find me on Twitter.

[03:02] My handle is at tpchant, and it's always good to hear how you got on with the course. Now, before you get started, why don't you head over to Scrimba's Discord server and go to the Today I Will channel and let the community know that you're starting this course. Studying is more fun and more productive when it's done together,

[03:21] so why not interact with fellow students on the Discord community, encourage each other, and help each other along. And then, without further ado, let's jump straight in to the first project.

~ 27 minutes ago

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