MoviePitch Intro

Tom Chant
InstructorTom Chant
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Published a year ago
Updated a year ago

Have you ever dreamed of coming up with a brilliant movie idea that could make you rich? In this course, we explore how the power of OpenAI's large-language model can help turn a simple one-sentence idea into a marketable movie.

By using the OpenAI API, we'll learn about working with models, understanding tokens, crafting prompts, and tweaking them for optimal results. We'll also uncover techniques for extracting information from texts and generating images with just words. However, it's important to note that while developing locally, our API key will be visible, so caution must be taken when sharing or publishing the project.

[00:00] In 2006, Terry Rossio and Bill Marsili sold the rights to the Denzel Washington film Deja Vu for a record-breaking $5 million. And it went on to gross more than $180 million worldwide. Have you ever dreamed of making it big in the movies?

[00:18] Coming up with that one idea that will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams? Well, the most successful projects start with one single idea. But once you've had that idea, you need to work with it, brainstorm around it,

[00:33] spend hour upon hour working late into the night to forge it into something marketable. Or do you? What if you could take one simple idea, just a single sentence, and let the power of OpenAI's large-language model do the rest of the work for you?

[00:49] Well, what used to be science fiction is now science fact. This is movie pitch, and on the outside it is so simple. We put a one-sentence idea for a movie in here, we click send, and that is all we have to do.

[01:06] We sit back and we wait for maybe 10 seconds or 15 seconds, and then what we get back when OpenAI has done its thing is the makings of a great movie. We get some artwork for the cover, a great title, and a list of stars,

[01:21] and most importantly of all, we get the synopsis that brings the idea to life. And all of this is brought to us by the power of OpenAI. Now, to get this app working, we have got some work to do. So, what will we be studying? Well, we will be using the OpenAI API.

[01:39] We'll be working with models and understanding what tokens are. We'll learn about crafting prompts and how to tweak those prompts to get results, and how we can use examples to train the model. We'll be looking at extracting information from texts and also generating images just with words.

[01:58] And by the end of all that, we'll have a great foundation in how to use OpenAI in front-end projects. Now, I want to give you a warning. As we build this project, the API key for OpenAI will be sat there on the front-end, and that means it's visible.

[02:13] Anybody could go in through DevTools to the Network tab and they could steal your API key. Now, while you're developing locally, that is fine. But don't share your project with an API key or publish it to GitHub without ignoring the API key, because that will compromise the API key.

[02:31] Now, later in this course, but not in this project, we're going to look at how we can deploy our apps with the API key safely stored on a server where no one else can see it. But in the meantime, just be mindful of what you're doing with your API key.

[02:45] Okay, so when you're ready, let's jump into the code and check out the HTML and CSS that I've got waiting for you.

~ 3 minutes ago

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