1. 16
    Intermission Pep Talk - Testing Redux Applications

Intermission Pep Talk - Testing Redux Applications

Jamund Ferguson
InstructorJamund Ferguson
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Published 3 years ago
Updated 3 years ago

Jamund Ferguson: Hey, Jamund here. Just wanted to take a minute to check in and say what an amazing job you're all doing. If you take a look at our code coverage for the Redux code, it's now all at 100 percent.

Every line, every function, every branch and every statement, both for the productsSlice and if you go into cartSlice, you'll see the exact same thing.

If you go into the test code you've written, you can see that we've covered a huge area, including testing selectors, testing reducers and testing thunks, using multiple techniques.

We've also written helper functions for generating state and building custom Redux stores. We've learned how to mock APIs using jest.mock.

If you're doing this all at one time, take a minute to regroup. Grab a drink of water. Go for a walk. Maybe think about some of the things you've learned and how you might apply them to your other projects.

Then, when you're ready, come and join me for the second part of this course on testing Redux-connected components. I look forward to seeing you there.

~ 12 minutes ago

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