ES6 Rest Parameters

Jacob Carter
InstructorJacob Carter
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Published 9 years ago
Updated 6 years ago

In this lesson we will go over ES6 or ECMAScript 2015 Rest Parameters. We will cover what they are, how they work, how they compare to the arguments keyword, and why they are more versatile.

[00:00] In this video we're going to talk about ES6 rest parameters, verse the arguments keyword in ES5. What the arguments keyword does is return back to us an array like object of all the arguments that we're passing to our function. To see a simple example of this, let's go ahead and create myfunc, and just console log out the arguments keyword of that function. Down below we'll call myfunc with arguments one, two, three, and run that to see what the console output is.

[00:28] As you can see, we're returned back an array like object with all of the arguments that were passed into the function. Because it is array like, there's certain properties that are available to us on the arguments keyword that are also available to us on an array.

[00:42] For example, in our console log, let's go ahead and add the .length. Run the function again, and we'll see that three, the length of our array like arguments, is returned back to us. It's important to note that most methods available to us on arrays are not available to us on the arguments keyword.

[00:58] For example, let's do a four each on the arguments. In our call back function, we have our value index, and array parameters. Let's just console log out the value for each loop. If we run this again, we'll see that arguments.foureach is not a function. That's because while arguments is array like, it does not have all of the methods that the array prototype has on it.

[01:18] To show an example of how we worked around this in ES5, and how rest parameters mean that we don't have to anymore, let's create a new constructor. We'll call this constructor store, and in it we'll return an object with some methods.

[01:30] The first one will be the add method, and what this will do is add new items to something inside of our store. Let's create [indecipherable] isle, and we'll have some categories like fruit and vegetables which have arrays of all the fruits and vegetables in that aisle.

[01:47] Let's return that back to us as well, so we can access it from outside the constructor, and inside of our add method we'll have a function that takes this specific aisle as the first parameter, and then all the items we're adding to that aisle as the remaining parameters.

[02:00] In the past, with ES5 the way that we turned our array like arguments into an actual array was to use the splice call hack. The way we did this was we called splice on an array, and then we called it with our arguments, starting with the first index. What this does is exclude the category argument, but takes the remaining arguments, and puts them into an array that we've called items. If we console log out items in this function, we can see the array that's created.

[02:26] Let's create a new instance of this constructor, and we'll call it My Grocery Store. Down below we'll call mygrocerystore.add, and we'll be adding to the fruit aisle apples and oranges. If we clear out our console, and run this again, we'll see that apples and oranges are the fruits inside the items array. Now that we have an array, we can call four each on it, and with our value index, and array arguments, we're going to go ahead and push all of these new fruits to the fruits category.

[02:53] After calling add on our new grocery store, we can access the aisle, and see that the fruit aisle has apples and oranges added to it. Now let's simplify this with the new rest parameters of ES6. The way that we access this is by doing three dots, followed by the variable we want to represent the array of the remaining arguments.

[03:13] Because this is already an array, we don't have to transform our array like arguments into an actual array, so we can just console out items, run this again, and see that we get an array of apples and oranges immediately. We can also see that our fruit aisle has the apples and oranges items inside of the array.

[03:32] All arguments declared before the rest parameters will be represented by those variables, however, any remaining arguments will be inserted into the new rest array. Because of this, we don't have to remove category from our array, as it is already not included.

~ 8 years ago

There is a typo in the code/video: "vegetalbe". Sorry, it's stronger than me... ;)

~ 7 years ago

I'm not sure where to put this comment... Where is the lesson for class syntax? How do I do privates and protected with the new class syntax?

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