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Create Apps Using the Elm Application Architecture

Murphy Randle
InstructorMurphy Randle
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Published 8 years ago
Updated 3 years ago

Elm is designed specifically for building applications, and it is built around a scalable and sensible application architecture. Learn the very basics of this architecture through updating application state by reacting to DOM events.

[00:00] Here, inside of my HTML function, let's start by adding a button. We won't give it any attributes for now. We'll give it some text that says, "Face me."

[00:08] In the browser, there is a button. It works. It doesn't quite work. Nothing happens when we click on it. We want it to react to that click, but right now, we don't have anything set up to listen to events and react to them.

[00:20] Elm comes with an architecture built in for making apps just like this. In order to use it, we need four parts -- four parts.

[00:28] The first and most essential part is called "the model." The model's a piece of data that represents the state of the app -- the entire state of the app -- at any given time. If there's any part of your app that has state that can change, it should keep its state inside of this model.

[00:41] In this case, the only state we're going to have is a record with an attribute that says, "Show face," and we're going to start that as false. By default, the face isn't showing.

[00:51] Next, we're going to make a new type by typing "type," and then the name, which, by convention is going to be "msg," for message. This is part of the general architecture that Elm suggests. We create a new type called "message," and we populate it with the value showface.

[01:05] This is entirely custom to us. We made a new custom type with the name Message, and we made a value called showface that is part of the message type. This is basically a constant that we can use in our application as a value. Elm uses these constants in its application architecture to signify that things have happened.

[01:21] Next, we'll need to define a function called "Update," and that update takes in a message and a model. I'm going to put a low dash after the model here to differentiate from the model that's defined outside.

[01:33] Here is the body of the function. Based on the message type that we get, "case message of," we're going to do something to the model, and then, we'll return a different copy of that model. The only case we can have in this circumstance is showface.

[01:45] Here, we want to update the model. It's a record, and so, the syntax for updating a record is {, the name of the record, then a bar, and then the attribute we want to update, which is showface, in this circumstance, assigned to some new value.

[02:00] Update is a pure function, which means it does nothing except for take in values and return a value. In this case, it's taking in a message and a copy of the model, and it's going to return a new copy of the model that's changed.

[02:11] The last of the four parts is the View function, which we already have here, except we're missing one important piece. The View function takes a model so that we can change what we're seeing on screen based upon the data that we have.

[02:22] Down here, below Button, I can put an If statement and say, "If model.showface then...," and then, I'll insert a text note with the face in it, "else text nothing." You may wonder, "Why did I have to include an Else statement here? Why didn't I just leave it 'If, then'?"

"[02:40] If," in Elm, is not a statement. It's an expression, which means that it takes some condition, and then, always returns some value. Wherever you write an If, the logic will branch, and it'll return some value, no matter what. Those values have to be of the same type.

[02:53] Let's load it up in the browser. Oh, we've got a compiler error. Let's take a look.

[02:58] It's saying that the value for Main has an unsupported type. It needs HTML. What we got instead is a function that takes a model and returns HTML.

[03:06] That's because in order to actually package all of these four things up, we need to use a special function. We're going to import that by typing "Import HTML exposing beginner program."

[03:19] Down here at Main again, instead of View, we'll type in "Beginner program," and we'll pass in a record. Beginner program takes three arguments. One is model, which we've named "Model." The next one is update, which we've named "Update," and the last one is view, which we've named "View."

[03:36] Let's try that in the browser. It seems to have worked. You notice when I click this button, nothing happens. That's because we haven't fired any events yet in order to update the model. In order to do that, let's go back up to the top, and let's import html.events, exposing all of them.

[03:53] Let's go back down to our button here, and in the attributes list, we can pass in the function OnClick, which is going to take a constant for a message, which we have right here, called ShowFace, and it's going to return an HTML attribute. That's going to be compatible with the attributes list for button.

[04:09] On click, show face. Try it out in the browser. It looks like we didn't get any compiler errors, and when we click the button, we get a face out.

[04:17] Now, we have an app that can accept events, respond to them, and modify the view based upon how the model has been changed. In here, we've got all the parts we need for our basic program, including model, message, update, and view. We've packaged them all up with Beginner program and assigned it to Main.

[04:33] We've added the OnClick function, which takes a message and returns an HTML attribute, and that's allowed us to update our model in reaction to an event that is fired in the browser.

~ 8 years ago

it feels like back in the day when there was all these frameworks for building web applications that abstracted from the dom and generated html (I don't mean that as a bad thing).

Dan Minshew
Dan Minshew
~ 8 years ago

Just heads up, I had to use Html.App rather than Html in order to get beginnerProgram import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)

Murphy Randle
Murphy Randleinstructor
~ 8 years ago

Hi, Daniel, Thanks for the heads up! The video should have been updated to reflect that change as of yesterday morning. Are you seeing something different now?

~ 8 years ago

Hi, Daniel, Thanks for the heads up! The video should have been updated to reflect that change as of yesterday morning. Are you seeing something different now?

At about the 3:15 mark, you type:

import Html exposing (beginnerProgram)
~ 4 years ago

The way to to do import Html exposing (beginnerProgram) now is

import Browser exposing (sandbox)

main =
        { init = model
        , view = view
        , update = update

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