Now that our beautiful dashboard is complete, is time to produce a production ready build with create-elm-app, one of the biggest benefits of using it. You'll notice that it is running on production mode because the Elm Debugger won't show up anymore.
Instructor: [0:00] Now that our beautiful app is finished, we can stop the dev server and create an optimized build calling elm-app build.
[0:10] When it's done, we can go to cd build. Here, we have all the stuff. If we run the local server here, I have a very handy alias for that. We start the server, and now we will go to localhost:1234. We will see our production build being rendered.
[0:27] This code is optimized and minimized for production builds. You will notice that now the debugger for Elm no longer appears. This is how easy it is with create-elm-app to create a production-optimized build.
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